These past few months have been strange, to say the least.
When I first thought about interpreting 'The New Normal', it was kind of a no-brainer that I would be approaching the theme in some way related to the pandemic. However, it's curious because all the ideas I had were never about exploring the negative effects it had on our society.
It was never my intention to undermine the devastating effects Covid-19 had on our world, but I guess I had enough negativity these past few months and wanted to highlight something positive out of all of this.
If you followed our project before, you will recognize the person in this video. My wife Francisca has taken part in many of my videos before, but finally I get to portray her as her own self.
A couple of months into quarantine, we were reaching a level of complete schizophrenia. We had watched everything on Netflix, fed up with TV and every other possible entertainment. This was when Francisca had the idea of ordering a few canvases and giving it a go to what was once one of her favorite things to do.
When she finished her first painting, she felt really good about it. The whole process was really rewarding and actually motivated her to do more. And more. Eventually leading her to creating her own page and actually taking in some orders.
This video is about her 'New Normal', which is arriving home from work and exploring her creative side almost every day. It's funny how she had to go through a pandemic/quarantine to remember to get back into painting.
This is also a reminder of how powerful art really is. What would have been of our lives these past months without music, films, photography, art in general. Whether you're just enjoying or actually creating it, it's one of the most powerful things on earth.
A huge thanks to Francisca for letting me portray her story. And to all the Human Afterall crew for letting me explore 'this' side of me once again.
Btw, if you want to follow her work and actually see some finished paintings, you can check on IG. Have a good one and stay safe.